Wireless communications is all about effective use of radio waves. Understanding radio channel is the key success factor in wireless communications. Therefore, channel measurements are essential for the design of wireless systems (see figure 1). It is the wireless channel that determines the ultimate performance limits of any communication system. Therefore, there are many ongoing and proposed channel measurements and channel modeling projects around the world. Wireless channel (impulse response) measurement, equipment which measures, digitizes and stores radio channel impulse response with high resolution in delay, frequency and spatial domain, is called channel sounder. Even though radio channel sounding is a fundamental task for wireless communication engineering, to provide an effective and high-quality channel sounding solution is a major challenge requiring special expertise and sophisticated radio channel measurement equipment: A channel sounder.
Super Radio AS, a high-tech startup founded in 2014 in Oslo, is the maritime 5G pioneer for ocean digitalization and autonomous ship. It provides professional maritime land-based broadband solutions, radio channel measurement/channel sounding solutions and related consultant services. Since 2016, Super Radio AS is leading the world’s first 5G Maritime communication project “LTE, WIFI and 5G Massive MIMO Communications in Maritime Propagation Environments (MAMIME)” funded by the Norwegian Research council. In 2017, World's first maritime 5G massive MIMO channel measurement campaign with a research vessel for autonomous operations was successfully performed in MAMIME project in Trondheimfjord. In 2019, it become the 5G test solution provider for the small-version yara birkeland, which is the world's first fully electric and autonomous container ship.

Presentation on maritime radio channel in Pengcheng Lab
Utvikler 5G-teknologi som lar båter «snakke med» hverandre
Presentation in EuCap2019
Very glad to give a presentation and meet many experts in the 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2019). Of course, we got many nice comments and interests on our MAMIME work as ...